Budget Season-Scott Arciniega

School season is upon us.  My wife and I continue to be amazed each year at the additional school charges for our 3 kids.  After each orientation, we went through the "stations"; PTA Support, spirit shirt, orientation fees, free dress Donation, etc.  This is in addition to the school supplies, uniforms, backpacks, lunch bags we had already purchased prior to orientation day.     

My wife and I were driving back from one of the orientations and I asked; "What else is there?  We maxed out our budget, again."   I said to her, "we need to start budgeting at the end of the school year." 

This simple process my wife and I go through each year is exactly what our customers need help with when working with their business budgets.  Enhancements or upgrades for most business are decided and approved the year prior.  Have you connected with your customers today in order to ask them for a 3 to 5% increase on their current contract and $50,000 of enhancement sales for 2020?

There are steps that go along with partnering with your Clients, year after year:

•            Is your company meeting contractual obligations?

•            Are you meeting Client expectations?

•            What is their budget process?

•            What enhancements have you discussed this year?

•            Are these enhancements adding value to the property? 

•            What format are you using to present your budgets?  

 This process is ongoing and never has a true starting and ending point.   The easiest place to start is by working with your team to create a strategy for each job.  Be your Client’s Success Partner.   

Scott Arciniega